Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Remember, remember......

the sixth of November!!


Do come and join Writtle Singers with Martyn Richards narrator

Saturday 6 November 7.30pm

All Saints’ Church, Writtle near Chelmsford CM1 3DT

In the later 1500s Essex was home to a leading branch of the recusant Catholic community, including composer William Byrd and the Petre family of Ingatestone, who maintained their faith in secrecy and at risk of death.

In November 1605 a group of young Catholic men responded to this persecution by plotting an explosion designed to kill the king and his family plus the entire nobility, senior clergy and judiciary of England.

Through music by Byrd and his contemporaries, both protestant and catholic - including de Monte, Philips, Dering and Dowland - and narration read by Martyn Richards we venture behind the scenes of 5.11......


£12 [£10 only if purchased before 6 Nov] ;

£5 full-time students [£3 only if purchased before 6 Nov]

free admission for children under 16.

· book online at
· purchase tickets in person at James Dace in Chelmsford,
· phone the box office on 01277 658183

Venue and other info at

Wednesday, 15 September 2010


Just in case any of you stayed awake whilst I was mentioning stuff about viol bowing and varieties of modern double bass bowing (wrt renaissance singing - see, there was a conncetion) you might have some fun with the wikipedia double bass article - note the opening bits and the sections on bowing.

Or have more fun here at Drawing your bow

Looking forward to great sounds in Byrd next week :-)
